TE-SPOL FM s.r.o. - Company Policy

The main objective of the company in the field of quality care is:

  • to develop a company with an established and functioning quality system, which will ensure continuous quality of production and thus become a sought-after business partner and supplier in the field of inspection activity and technological assembly, which will create the feeling of safety not only for the customer but also for company employees.

In the company’s management, we realize that:

  • the company's management is responsible for the quality of production and services provided, and for the development of the quality system
  • the company's management creates the necessary organizational, personnel, and financial resources for maintaining and developing the quality system

In relation to customers, we realize that:

  • the main goal of the company is the maximum satisfaction of customers with our high-level products and services that meet or exceed customers' requirements
  • continuous satisfaction of all of our customers with high quality products and services is the basis of our success in the fight against competition and the decisive factor for achieving prosperity
  • the customer and satisfying customer requirements is the main motive of all our activities
  • we will inform customers about newly introduced and developed technologies

We will focus our relationship with suppliers on:

  • significant participation in the creation of high-quality products and services, and therefore we will develop active cooperation with them in clarifying mutual requirements and their implementation

We will focus our relationship with our own employees on:

  • their conviction that ensuring the quality of our products and services is the task of all departments and all employees of the company who manage, perform, and verify all activities affecting the quality
  • creation of such conditions, so that all employees have a positive attitude towards quality, respond quickly to new requirements for increasing the level of quality, and so that they identify themselves with performing their work always at a high level
  • providing effective assistance in the education and training of our employees to make it possible for them to meet all the requirements of this policy

The main objective of the company in the field of environmental care is:

  • to meet the requirements of legislation applicable to the environment with an emphasis on a preventive approach to this issue
  • to continuously improve the environmental profile of the company when developing its economic activities
  • to inform employees within the framework of internal trainings and also the general public about the effects of our company's activities on the environment and to communicate with them in a friendly manner
  • to regularly review environmental policy, environmental objectives, environmental programs, and target values

The main objective of the company in the field of OHS is:

  • to meet the requirements of legislation and administrative decisions valid in the field of occupational health and safety with emphasis on a preventive approach to this issue
  • to promote the introduction of occupational health and safety management at cooperating organizations or subcontractors
  • to strictly comply with safety regulations and thus minimize the occurrence of occupational accidents and diseases
  • to regularly educate and practically train employees and at the same time increase their level of emergency preparedness

The company also undertakes to:

  • meet the requirements of legislation in the field of operation of our company
  • use the experience of employees to meet production goals in accordance with quality requirements and with maximum respect for the environment and occupational health and safety
  • within the technical and economic possibilities to minimize the generation of waste and emissions, the occurrence of accidents and occupational diseases
  • prevent waste of raw materials and energy by tightening the control of material inputs and technological processes themselves
  • keep increasing the awareness of its own employees and employees of external companies about environmental protection and occupational health and safety through regular trainings
  • increase the level of emergency preparedness through regular trainings and practical trainings of employees
  • promote the introduction of an environmental management system at its suppliers
  • permanently cooperate with the municipalities in which it carries out its activities
  • ensure that all activities in the company are accompanied by strict protection of the health of employees